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The Americas, being North, Central and South America

Choose the best HR format.

  • MyHRGoal
  • CSR Ambassadors
  • Talent Days
  • HRCommunity Academy

    HRCommunity Academy Meeting, HRC Knowledge Community updates, HRC Best Practices, Round Tables, ski trophy, golf tournament, sailing trophy, seminars regarding Job Safety, Hiring and Recruiting, Compensation and Benefits, Training and Development are just part of the wide spectrum of events that we offer.

  • CSR in HR

    CSR Ambassadors strives to make a positive impact on employees through innovative HR related CSR initiatives enabling companies to grow and expand.

  • Mission

    To pursue excellence providing realistic opportunities, enhancing working networks and discovering exceptional business partners in an exclusive HR environment. Our aim is to promote and facilitate the exchanging of ideas through sharing, providing and updating.